Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sony Ericsson Phone Video Format How Can I Format My Memory Card In Sony Ericsson S700i Mobile Phone?

How can I format my memory card in Sony Ericsson S700i mobile phone? - sony ericsson phone video format

I kept my S700i the memory card into a card reader and download all the pictures and songs from my computer. Then he took my card and placed on mobile phones. Later, I can not save pictures or songs on this card. There is no way to reformat using my phone. So can anyone tell me how to work to format the memory card to work properly. So, let me know whether it contains files such as pictures, music, videos, etc. folders inside or I make changes. Regards, T. Pavan


Gandalf said...

Go 2 /-settings depends on the model of Ericsson Fone ...
then left rigt / UC argues that the format mem card or card format
1 in my U can adjust the volume button and tell me that my memory there is an option if I am in that format / syscronise
after u format the phone, the files that you must use to create

MAcky said...

Go to Settings, and then there is the master reset and follow the instructions and the format now, poof!

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