Saturday, December 5, 2009

Did Pinky Gain Weight Help, Not Sure What's Up? High Blood Pressure, Maybe.?

Help, not sure what's up? High blood pressure, maybe.? - did pinky gain weight

They have gained some weight. Ring and little finger was numb about 2 weeks, dizziness, dull headache in the temples, his hands swollen, sweating, and strange feeling in my head, not knowing what is happening. Please help!


Lorenzo A said...

Consult a doctor as soon as possible! Your symptoms may onset of diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), if all goes well.
Even if you drink soda, stop immediately! I have a lot of weight for seven years, then I let the soft drinks, my weight dropped like a stone, and I've never felt better. Get checked whether and let me know if everything goes well with you. Good luck.

For me the following:
It may become pregnant, you DA

Neil L said...

Maybe not, but the signs tell me that I consult a doctor quickly. Good luck.

Charlie said...

How old are you? High blood pressure can occur in a relatively young age these days, but this is not what I say, I think your problem. This could be a number of things, and the best advice I can give you is to go immediately to your doctor if you experience these symptoms ... anexiety could be an attack .. do not know until you go! Shell

Charlie said...

How old are you? High blood pressure can occur in a relatively young age these days, but this is not what I say, I think your problem. This could be a number of things, and the best advice I can give you is to go immediately to your doctor if you experience these symptoms ... anexiety could be an attack .. do not know until you go! Shell

loviatar... said...

Yes, please ask your doctor, without the pressure. Swollen hands and sweat, not to mention the pain in his head, everything seems to be too high.

sam p said...

was recently in order to gain weight? when the profit acute (ie more than a few weeks) instead of months, the swelling may be possible. ) Swollen hands, sweating and dizziness (neuropathy symptoms of heart disease (angina, CHF, etc.) or sugar high, even the blood) (hyperglycaemia, which is not afraid to nothing. High blood pressure is rarely symptoms, it is a surrogate marker for underlying problems. Definitely recommend you see your doctor, especially if U have no history of diabetes or heart problems. - Pharmacists

Butch said...

could be high blood pressure, you only buy a monitor of blood pressure,

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